no add2watchlist this coming week and a quick note from me 🗯
missed the last newsletter? see it here.
hello and happy new year! there will be no newsletter this upcoming week, as ill be getting back to work and into the swing of things for the new year 😊 it’ll be pushed to the week of the 10th.
THANKS for being along for the ride in 2021! in 2022, i invite you to drop me any kind of questions & comments into my new Q&A google form linked here. this will be included at the top of each letter going forward - if i see it not getting responses, ill revert to including my email as the main contact for questions & the like. any general feedback & requests on the newsletter are welcome - topics i can touch on include:
how to not get burned out during your job search
how to use LinkedIn/social media to your advantage (to get a job or/and to find mentors)
balancing creative pursuits with a full-time job
how to format and highlight your skillsets onto a website/web portfolio to extend your resume
utilizing your resources to jumpstart your career/portfolio (specifically for anyone interested in the media & communications industries)
anything related to vintage, curation, reselling, or creative production/styling
i am not a certified careers expert but i do know what it’s like to be confused as f$&k during a job search.
confident in a portfolio (see my outdated one here) encompassing my leadership experience, vast creative work, and years of writing experience, i thought i would breezily get the job i wanted upon graduating. coming from a major i felt pretty meh about - one that i didn’t take advantage of as much as i could have maybe - and not having the resources i needed to get the jobs i wanted, it took a bit longer than *i* expected to land something i was excited about (which i later learned is totally okay and that we’ve been conditioned to think we need the perfect job, and any job, right out of school). once i acquired the skills and resources, i connected with amazing mentors during my search and learned the importance of staying mindful, levelheaded, and not doomscrolling on LinkedIn. now in a job i love and confident in my ability to find new opportunities in the future, i have a thing or two to share about the journey from *student* to *entry-level role*.
ill reply through email to anything sent to the Q&A form and might include responses throughout my newsletter with your permission!
have a happy first week!